Handshake for Employers
The Baylor University Career Center utilizes the platform Handshake. Handshake allows employers to search the entire database of Baylor students with public profiles. Employers can search through résumés and find potential hires, request an interview with students, create and schedule career events, and post internship and job opportunities. All recruitment strategies begin with actively posting on Handshake, your one-stop-shop for engaging with Baylor students, both undergraduate and graduate.
Follow the steps listed below to create an account or start listing jobs and events:
Access the Handshake login page.
If you do not already have an account with Handshake, click “Sign up for an Account” on the left, then select “Employer.”
Fill out the required information to create your account and confirm your email address.
After the introduction, you will see the “Connect with Schools” page. Baylor should already be selected, but if not just search for “Baylor” in the search box at the top of the page and click “Request to Connect.”
On the “Find your Company” page, you will have the opportunity to “Join” a company that already has a profile in Handshake, or create a company profile if one has not been created previously.
Contact Amanda Kuehl (254) 710-3771 for information and assistance.